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Yesterday, we had the pleasure of hosting another enriching Lunch and Learn session, led by the wonderful Theresa Hargreaves. Our focus this time was on staff wellness and well-being, and it was a resounding success!

Theresa provided invaluable tips and advice on how to maintain balance and well-being throughout the day, both at home and at work. The session was well attended, with our team members leaving inspired and equipped with practical strategies to be their best selves. From stress management techniques to simple daily habits that promote overall wellness, the insights shared were both practical and impactful.

Our Lunch and Learn sessions are a staple at Agenda, fostering a culture of continuous learning and personal growth. We believe that supporting our staff’s well-being is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment.

If you’re interested in learning more about these sessions and how your company can get involved, please reach out to Judith Moore, our Head of People & Culture. She would be happy to provide more information.