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Agenda are thrilled to announce that Agenda has chosen Kidney Care UK as our Charity of the Year for 2024! This decision was made with the enthusiastic involvement of our staff, who play a crucial role in selecting the charity we support each year. We are excited to champion this cause and help increase awareness for those facing kidney-related challenges.

Kidney Care UK is a remarkable organisation dedicated to providing practical, emotional, and financial support to kidney patients and their families. With over 63,000 people in the UK currently receiving treatment for kidney failure, the work of Kidney Care UK is more important than ever. Our partnership aims to contribute to their mission of improving the quality of life for kidney patients across the country.

Throughout the year, Agenda will be hosting a variety of fundraising events and initiatives to support Kidney Care UK. We invite everyone to join us in our efforts to make a positive impact. Whether through participation in our events or direct donations, your support can make a significant difference.

Donations can easily be made through our JustGiving page. Together, we can help Kidney Care UK continue their vital work and provide much-needed support to those affected by kidney disease. Visit our JustGiving page to donate: https://lnkd.in/dDb9AqYY.

Let’s make 2024 a year of generosity, awareness, and support for Kidney Care UK!